What are 20 mins nature activities to improve your mental health?

  1. Take a walk in a park or nature reserve: Surrounding yourself with greenery and natural elements can help to reduce stress and improve your mood.


Photo: Running


2. Go for a hike: Hiking in nature can help to clear your mind and boost your mood.

3. Practice yoga or meditation: Find a quiet spot in nature and practice yoga or meditation to help reduce stress and improve your mental well-being.

4. Take a swim: Swimming in a natural body of water such as a lake or ocean can help to reduce stress and improve your mood.

5. Go for a bike ride: Biking in nature can help to clear your mind and boost your mood.

6. Practice forest bathing: Spend time in the forest and take in the sights, sounds, and smells of nature to reduce stress and improve your well-being.

7. Garden: Planting and maintaining a garden can help to reduce stress and improve your mood.

8. Go bird-watching: Observing birds in nature can help to reduce stress and improve your mood.

9. Read or journal outdoors: Find a quiet spot in nature to read or journal, which can help to reduce stress and improve your mental well-being.

10. Take nature photography: Photography can be a great way to connect with nature and improve your mental health.

11. Go for a run or jog: Running or jogging in nature can help to reduce stress and improve your mood.

12. Listen to nature sounds: Find a quiet spot and listen to the sounds of nature, such as birds singing, water flowing, or leaves rustling.

13. Take a nature walk: Take a walk and focus on the natural elements around you, such as trees, flowers, and animals.

14. Go for a picnic: Pack lunch and find a peaceful spot in nature to enjoy it and relax.

Photo: Bonnefire

15. Take a nature scavenger hunt: Create a list of natural elements to find on a walk, such as different types of leaves or birds.

16. Geocaching: Geocaching is a fun way to explore nature and can be a great way to improve your mental health.

17. Go for a paddle: Paddling in a natural setting such as a lake or a river can help to reduce stress and improve your mood.

18. Take a nature sketching class: Sketching nature can be a great way to connect with nature and improve your mental health.

19. Take nature aromatherapy: Aromatherapy with natural scents such as lavender, rosemary, or peppermint can help to reduce stress and improve your mood.

20. Go stargazing: Find a dark spot in nature and look at the stars, which can be a great way to reduce stress and improve your mental well-being.

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