Vygr Maharashtra: Free diagnostic tests at BMC's dispensaries, Mumbai

Executive Health Officer, Dr. Diksha Shah issues a notice about free diagnostic tests at BMC's dispensaries. Earlier, patients had to pay the minimum amount of Rs. 50 to Rs. 100 for any blood tests in BMC's dispensaries and maternity homes under the Apli Chikitsa Scheme. Now there will be no minimum fee charged to patients visiting BMC's dispensaries and maternity homes.

Earlier, BMC had another scheme named Mohalla clinics for slum areas, but due to the lack of space, these clinics were shifted to civic dispensaries. And people visiting such dispensaries used to get free service only in the evening, while others visiting the morning used to give minimum fees. The whole idea of Mohalla clinic didn't turn out to be successful. 

There are a total of 190 dispensaries and 28 maternity homes under the control of BMC. At these places, private laboratory staff generally collect blood samples and provide reports on the same day. But for this purpose, earlier patients used to pay a specific amount. But now, according to a new note, 147 blood tests like sugar, thyroid, dengue, malaria, vitamin D3, HIV and others will be tested for free.

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