Tips to keep a doctor away this monsoon

Everyone has a special memory of the monsoon. The monsoon comes with lots of surprises and so many crazy plans. But with that, the monsoon brings thousands of germs, bacteria and viruses. To enjoy monsoons, we must take care of our health. Health has to be our first priority because sudden changes in weather conditions affect our bodies quickly. The cold and flu are very common examples of illness during the monsoon. So here are some tips to keep a doctor away this monsoon. 

  • The very first thing is to drink clean and boiled water. There are chances that water might be contaminated in the rainy season. So don't forget to intake filtered water.
  • Avoid eating leafy vegetables. Wash all fruits and vegetables neatly. And prefers fresh food. 
  • Monsoon is the favorite season of mosquitoes too. There is a high risk that could cause Dengue, Malaria etc. Take appropriate majors to prevent yourself from mosquitoes. 
  • Don't keep your hair wet for a long time. Dry your hair as soon as possible as it causes cold easily. 
  • Fungal infections of feet generally occur during the rainy season. Wash your legs and dry them thoroughly every time.
  • Build your immunity and, for that, intake vitamin C-rich food like lemon, kiwi, oranges, tomatoes etc. 

These are very basic steps we generally ignore in our daily life and then visit the doctor. But do follow these steps and stay healthy, enjoy the monsoon.

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