This Sleeping Beauty Sleeps for 22 hours a Day!

Joanna Cox, 38, has trouble staying awake during the day and struggles with excessive sleep. She sleeps 22 hours a day and she has been given a nickname called Real Life Sleeping Beauty. Idiopathic hypersomnia is a rare disorder that makes it difficult for one to wake up and leaves you feeling "unrested" and "mentally foggy." Later on, she was diagnosed with this condition. 

When Joanna started feeling worn out during the day even after getting enough hours of sleep, she started having strange symptoms. She discovered that she was sleeping anywhere, including in clubs and cars. 

"It started out of nowhere - nothing triggered it, I just felt really tired. At first, they thought it was depression, and I was referred to a mental health specialist. But that was ruled out because I didn't have any other signs apart from tiredness," Joanna quoted.

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