Successful life-saving heart transplant surgery conducted by Sahyadri Hospital in Pune

Sahyadri hospital, Deccan Gymkhana, Pune made a record of successfully completing the 8th heart transplant surgery on 31 May. This 8th heart transplant surgery was done by Dr. Manoj Durairaj, chief heart transplant surgeon and HOD of heart and lung transplantation of the hospital. 

A 27-year-old girl who was diagnosed with diabetic cardiomyopathy was in her last stage. After years of different treatments, there was only one option remaining; 'heart transplant' as her heart wasn't capable enough of working. This decision was taken by doctors after undergoing different kinds of tests to check the ability and immunity of the recipient for transplantation. The heart was donated by a 40-year-old person who died in a road accident. 

After successfully completing this surgery, the doctor expressed their joy and happiness saying, "this is the team work and awareness of the entire team working in the hospital." He added, "this is not just a success of our hospital's advanced healthcare facility and life-saving technology but also a great milestone in medical inventions and history." Now the receipant is in better condition and under observation.

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