Pee-gate Scandal Rocks Airline Industry: Are Seat Designs to Blame?

The alleged peeing incidents on Air India flights could have roots in how airline seats are built, and seating plans are made.

Airline seats are designed to maximize space and accommodate as many passengers as possible, which can result in seats that are less comfortable than some would like. The seats are typically made with stiff, non-padded materials to reduce weight and increase fuel efficiency.

AIr India

The legroom and seat pitch (the distance between the back of one seat and the front of the seat in front of it) in economy class is often limited, making it easier for taller passengers or those with longer legs to find a comfortable position.

Some airlines have begun to offer premium economy or extra-legroom seats for an additional fee, which may provide more comfort than standard economy seats. The chair's recline may also be limited to prevent discomfort for the passenger behind.

The seats are designed to be durable and withstand the wear and tear of frequent use, but this can result in less comfortable seats over time.

Airplane toilet seat

It is common for passengers to complain about seat comfort and legroom on aeroplanes in general. Factors such as seat size and pitch, reclining, and amenities like in-flight entertainment and charging ports can all affect passenger satisfaction with their seats. 

Passengers may also complain about the cleanliness and condition of the seats, as well as any issues with the centre itself, such as broken recline mechanisms or malfunctioning seat-back pockets. 

The hunger to fill in more seats on the part of the airlines could sometimes infringe upon the fundamental rights of the passengers paying for the journey.


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