Jello Water: TikTok's Tasty Cure for Cold & Flu

Content creators and people with sore throats alike have made videos about this alleged "hack" that can help a sore throat feel, well, less sore. Recently, a recipe for a sore throat has gone viral on TikTok, and the not-so-secret ingredient is Jell-O. The cases express that Harden O tea can help your sensitive throat on the grounds that the gelatin offers an aggravation easing covering to your throat. Despite the fact that this isn't always the case, there are reasons why it can help alleviate pain, whether you believe it or not.
It is also well-known that respiratory viruses like the flu, COVID, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) are particularly prevalent this winter. To avoid some pretty unpleasant symptoms, many people across the nation are stocking up on tissues, cough drops, and other medications. Additionally, in addition to prescription and over-the-counter medications, numerous home remedies, such as the Jell-O tea previously mentioned, can be beneficial.

How to Make Jell-O Water

  • 1 Box of Jell-O (any flavor)
  • 2 Cups of boiling water
  • 2 Cups of cold water Honey (optional)

The recipe is fairly straightforward; all you need to do is follow the directions on the back of any Jell-O packet until you get to the part where you need to refrigerate the mixture. Your warm Jell-O liquid should be left on the stovetop rather than in the refrigerator. Pour some into a mug, garnish with honey if you like, and microwave until the temperature you want is reached.


Is Jell-O tea a good remedy for a sore throat?
According to Benjamin Gibson, PAHM, PharmD, a pharmacist and functional medicine specialist in San Antonio, Texas, the short answer is "yes," but not because it is a magical cure. He asserts that the Jell-O coating would not remain on the throat after swallowing, so the claim that it coats your throat to alleviate pain is probably not true. Instead, he explains that this tea can help with cold symptoms in many of the same ways that hot chicken soup is better than cold chicken soup.


According to the Mayo Clinic, honey can alleviate symptoms by acting as an anti-inflammatory and mild cough suppressant. Many people on the internet are using honey to make their Jell-O tea. Consider it this way: Your sore throat will feel better if you cough less. This will cause your throat to be less irritated.

According to Nancy Mitchell, RN, registered nurse and contributing writer for Assisted Living Center, "Jell-O is commonly used in its solid form to add to patients' hydration when drinking water is difficult." Keeping hydrated is essential. Here, some of the same factors apply: Without acting as a diuretic, as coffee does, the Jell-O tea encourages you to drink more water. A good way to combat infection and prevent your throat from drying out is to drink plenty of water.

According to Dr. Gibson, the warmth of the beverage and the straightforward placebo effect can have a significant impact. The placebo effect is a potent phenomenon. In fact, a small study published in the Journal of Rhinology found that sipping a warm beverage might make you feel like your sore throat is getting better, which is actually true. This indicates that even the placebo effect can be advantageous.

According to the same study, drinks that make people salivate a lot, like some flavors of Jell-O or fruit drinks, can help smooth out an otherwise rough and irritated throat. However, Mitchell adds that this beverage contains citric acid, which raises the acidity. That may taste good, but it may also irritate your throat.

Although the answer to the question of whether or not gelatin will have a significant calming effect on your throat remains to be seen, this tea certainly has the potential to uplift your spirits and alleviate some pain. Alternately, you could sip hot chicken noodle soup or warm herbal tea. It's up to you.

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