Hangxiety: Yes, its a thing and you should know about it

Everyone enjoys a night out, but how many are able to cope with the day after? Here we'll talk about what hangxiety is and how you can fight it.

Hangxiety is a mixture of the words hangover and anxiety. It is referred to as the phenomenon that occurs during a hangover, in which a person goes through different stages of anxiety. As the numbness of alcohol wears off and a person gets in touch with the real world he or she may experience a type of anxiety, called hangxiety.


About 12% of people experience hangxiety, if you aren't sure whether you are one of these people or not, just ask yourself that during a hangover if you feel one of these emotions: paranoia, stress, restlessness, depression, lack of focus or feel overwhelmed or do you over analyse everything you did the night before. If you do feel one of these emotions then chances are you experience hangxiety.

The main cause of anxiety during a hangover is the low level of dopamine activity in the brain. dopamine is responsible for regulating anxiety, when you are hungover there is less dopamine activity which is why people experience anxiety during a hangover. If you experience anxiety in your daily life then you are more susceptible to feeling it when hungover. 

Depression and Anxiety

There are a lot of ways to deal with hangxiety, the obvious one being not to drink. If you do end up drinking make sure you have food before and while drinking, you should also keep yourself hydrated by drinking a lot of water.

You can also deal with hangxiety by taking medications, or even meditating. You should also plan the day after a night out in such a way that you should not have to deal with work or people. Basically, you should avoid things and topics that could stress you out when hungover. 

Some people also feel that talking to their friends and making jokes about the night before helps calm their anxiety. Many people also say that cuddling in bed and watching a relaxing movie with junk food and ice cream is the best hangxiety cure.

Please do remember that each person goes through anxiety differently. So what worked for someone may not work for you. The best advice is when hungover have a relaxing and lazy next-day.

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