Green bananas can reduce cancer risk

Cancer is a deadly condition with a wide range of classifications. Because not all cancers are curable, experts advise us to take precautions to avoid cancer through food and lifestyle choices.

Eating green bananas has been linked to a potential reduction in cancer risk, according to recent studies. They include resistant starch, which is thought to be the element that lowers the risk of cancer.
Due to their sweetness and fiber, ripe yellow bananas are typically consumed. These are excellent for constipation and intestinal health. Apart from this, eating green, unripe bananas has a number of surprising health advantages, including the prevention of cancer.

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Eating the resistant starch present in unripe bananas can lower the frequency of stomach infections, according to research from Leeds University and the University of Newcastle that was published in the journal "Cancer Prevention Research."

During this 20-year study, Lynch Syndrome patients were examined since they have a higher chance of getting rectal and intestinal cancer. They were instructed to ingest a dose of resistant starch, which is also found in unripe green bananas. Additionally, this starch can be found in several cereals, beans, oats, peas, and rice. However, bananas have the highest concentration, making them an ideal provider of this cancer-preventive starch.

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Researchers discovered that starch decreased the risk of cancers of the pancreas, gastrointestinal tract, esophagus, and duodenal after extensively monitoring the risk and parameters. The effects persisted even after the patients discontinued their starch supplement.

John Mathers, a researcher from Newcastle University, makes the following claim: “We found that resistant starch reduces a range of cancers by over 60 percent. The effect was most obvious in the upper part of the gut. The dose used in the trial is equivalent to eating a daily banana: before they become too ripe and soft, the starch in bananas resists breakdown and reaches the bowel where it can change the type of bacteria that live there”.


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