Bharat Biotech to make 10 mg nasal COVID vaccine doses

Indian biotechnology company Bharat Biotech has announced plans to produce 10 million doses of a new nasal COVID-19 vaccine. The company, which developed the Covexin vaccine, said that the nasal vaccine would offer better protection against the coronavirus, as it would produce antibodies in the nasal cavity, which is the site of infection.

According to Bharat Biotech, the nasal vaccine would be easier to administer and would have fewer side effects than traditional vaccines. The company is currently conducting clinical trials of the vaccine and expects to have the results by the end of June. If the trials are successful, the vaccine could be authorized for emergency use in India in the coming months.

Bharat Biotech is one of several Indian companies that have been working to develop COVID-19 vaccines since the outbreak of the pandemic. The company's Covexin vaccine has been authorized for emergency use in India and has been used to vaccinate millions of people in the country.

India has been hit hard by the pandemic, with more than 23 million confirmed cases and over 250,000 deaths. The country's vaccination campaign has been slow to start, but it has picked up pace in recent weeks. The government has set a target of vaccinating 300 million people by the end of July, and the availability of a nasal vaccine could help to achieve this goal.

In addition to its work on COVID-19 vaccines, Bharat Biotech has a range of other products in development, including vaccines for Zika, Chikungunya, and Japanese encephalitis. The company has also been involved in the development of vaccines for other diseases, including rotavirus, hepatitis B, and rabies.

The production of the nasal COVID-19 vaccine is expected to begin in the coming months, with Bharat Biotech working to ramp up its manufacturing capacity. The company has said that it is committed to ensuring that the vaccine is affordable and accessible to people around the world.

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