Alkem and Lupin Introduce Affordable Biosimilar of Cancer Drug Cetuximab under ₹10,000

For less than ₹10,000 a vial, two Indian pharmaceutical companies, Alkem and Lupin, will now offer the first biosimilar form of Cetuximab, which is intended for head and neck cancer.

Erbitux is the brand name for the Merck medication cetuximab. Alkem Oncology recently announced that Cetuxa, the brand name for its biosimilar variant of cetuximab, had gone on sale.

The biological division of Alkem Laboratories, Enzene Biosciences Limited, conducted the research and produced the biosimilar domestically. Businessline was informed by an Alkem representative that a vial of the biosimilar cost 9,990. According to industry data, this compares to a variety of doses and intensity levels of the original at various price points, ranging from more than $16,000 to about $1 lakh.

“This collaboration marks a significant milestone in expanding therapeutic options and fostering innovation in the critical area of treatment of head and neck cancer. Cetuximab has received approval from the Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) for its effectiveness in treating head and neck cancer, particularly Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck (SCCHN), making it a crucial solution for patients with recurrent locoregional or metastatic conditions,” Lupin said.

Sandeep Singh, Alkem Laboratories Managing Director, said: “In India, more than 76,000 patients are eligible for the use of cetuximab for the management of head and neck cancer. At present, only 1,611 patients are managed by this therapy — around 2 percent of eligible patients. Its reach in India is limited partly due to its high cost. To address this issue, we have launched an affordable biosimilar, which is backed by indigenous research and production. We aim to ensure its availability in all parts of the country making it easily accessible to the Indian population.”


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