Alert issued for Digene antacid Gel after manufacturer recalls batches

Digene gel has been slenderly recalled by its manufacturer Abbott due to recent complaints. 

Alert issued for Digene antacid Gel after manufacturer recalls batches

Abbott is a US-based drugmaker that has a facility in Goa. Due to recent complaints of people saying that the Digene gel produced at the Goa facility has had a weird taste and pungent smell, Abbott has released a statement asking patients to avoid using products made at the Goa Facility. The Drugs Controller General of India (DCGI) has also asked wholesalers to withdraw the batches made in the Goa facility. They have also notified doctors to to "carefully prescribe and educate their patients to discontinue the use and for reporting of any ADRs [adverse drug reactions] arising due to consumption of the said product."

The letter sent by DCGI stated, "...on August 9 2023, one bottle of Digene Gel Mint flavour used by the customer is of regular taste [sweet] and light pink colour whereas another bottle of the same batch observed it was of white colour with bitter taste and pungent odour as per complaint,"

Alert issued for Digene antacid Gel after manufacturer recalls batches

This is the second time this year that Abbott has recalled a product. During prial, Abbott had recalled a medication that is used to treat hypothyroidism due to a labeling error. 


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