10 things to keep yourself healthy during the holy month of Ramzan

It's one of the prettiest seasons of the year right now! And many people struggle with their fitness goals during this time as Muslims from all over the world come together for a month-long celebration. The good news is that you can keep a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and even continue to fast during Ramadan.
Your physical health and spiritual wellbeing are not mutually exclusive. Both may be taken care of with a few thoughtful routine adjustments.

Here are 10 suggestions to make sure of the same:

1. You should never skip suhoor
The pre-dawn meal is the most significant meal of the day during Ramadan, much like breakfast is throughout the rest of the year. You need that fuel to get going if you plan to fast until dusk. You would be better prepared for the long day and would have more energy if you ate a healthy suhoor. It's also crucial that you take your time eating this meal rather than hurrying through it. Hence, set your alarm for 40 to 50 minutes before Fajr. As a result, you may cook the dinner on time, get ready, and dine quietly.

2. Stock up on protein and fibre
Eating suhoor is crucial, but it's also important to consume it properly. It is better to eat a lot of high-fiber foods even if you don't feel like it because they will keep you full for a long time. Also, since maintaining your muscle mass is your main objective, protein should be a part of each meal. Choose foods like whole grains, fruits, dairy, and eggs, which are essential for preventing hunger. You should try topped muesli with fresh fruit and nuts or multigrain sandwiches filled with tofu, hummus, and greens.

3. Drink water!
This is absolutely essential if you want to keep from becoming dehydrated during fasting. Be as hydrated as you can during suhoor, iftar, and the interval between these three meals. Simple water is always fantastic, but you can jazz it up with fruit-infused water, soups, smoothies, protein shakes, plant-based milk, coconut water, buttermilk, and lime juice. Aerated drinks with plenty of sugar, processed drinks, and dehydrating teas and coffees should be avoided. When you are fasting, your body requires more nourishing and unprocessed sources of water. Thus, be sure to use the time before and after your fast to give yourself this hydration.


4. Limit your physical activity during the day.
This is self-evident. When you are fasting, you should engage in as little physical activity as possible. Avoid the sun, and try not to move about too much to tyre yourself. Yet that doesn't imply you should spend the day doing nothing. The goal is to continue your normal activities and work without placing your body under any additional stress.

5. Sleep For A Few Hours
One of the fundamental building blocks for general wellness is getting enough sleep. Thus, if you're attempting to stay in shape while fasting, it's crucial to make up for lost sleep by taking a 20-minute power nap during the day. These naps would recharge you and make you feel better. But, it's crucial to distinguish between these quick naps and a full night's rest. The latter wouldn't help you stay productive throughout the day; it would just make you more lethargic.

6. Avoid junk food and fried snacks.
Having a mindset of fasting and eating is a mistake that most Muslims make throughout Ramadan. The objective should be to promote overall wellbeing rather than to eat, and this can only be achieved through mindful eating. In other words, you still need to be careful about what you eat at iftar. Fried foods will make it difficult for you to digest them and further slow your metabolism, leaving you too sluggish to even consider exercising. Instead, choose high-quality, whole foods. Steamed fish, brown rice, boiling chicken, veggies, lentils, whole-grain bread, and a variety of fruits are a few foods to try. Avoid empty calories and only eat things that will make you stronger from the inside out.

junk food

7. Limit Your Eating.
Being mindful of what you eat goes beyond simple food observation. Keeping an eye on your food intake is also important. After a full day of fasting, it is only natural to want to overeat at supper, but doing so will only result in tiredness, cramps, and digestive issues. Starting with water is the greatest approach to break your fast. Your stomach will feel better and won't become acidic with the aid of the liquid. Next, pop a couple dates, wait a while, and patiently consume your food, savouring each bite!

8. Only exercise following Iftar
The portion of your workout is now here. Never do this during the daytime; always do this after you have broken your fast. Never exercise while fasting, whether you do it at home or in the gym. According to research, even a 3% dehydration in the muscles can result in 12% muscular damage!
The ideal time to start your workout after iftar is at least 45 minutes. And remember to keep drinking water during your workout. It is recommended to drink lemon water while strength training your muscles. This greatly aids in maintaining muscular mass.


9. Maintain a Low-Intensity Cardio Workout
When practising cardio during Ramadan, keep your frequency and intensity modest. You don't want to exert yourself excessively. Another strategy to minimise muscle loss is to cut back on cardio; during this month, 40 to 70 minutes per week should be sufficient.

10. Following dinner, go for a stroll
Once your workout is complete, you need to refuel. A filling, healthy dinner is crucial to maintaining your level of fitness. Juices or fruits should be served with the dinner as well as other nutritious beverages. Yet, after eating, you shouldn't immediately turn in. Give your body enough time to digest the meal. After you eat, take a little stroll in the park or get up and move around for around 30 minutes.

You're all set. If you simply adhere to these suggestions, you will be able to fast during the holy month and keep up your fitness.

I hope your fasting month is healthy. Happy Ramadan!

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