Top 10 - 2000's childhood games

The game and fun part of the generation is changing from time to time. But no one can beat the fun of childhood games of the 2000's. Lets have a look at it. 

●Hide and Seek: A classic game where one person counts while the others hide, then they try to find them.

●Freeze Tag: A game of tag where players who are tagged must freeze in place until another player tags them unfreezing them.

●Pokémon: With the release of Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire in 2002 and the popularization of the Gameboy Advance, Pokémon became a staple of 2000s childhood gaming.

●Super Mario Bros.: Although the game had been around for decades, the 2000s saw the release of Super Mario Advance 2: Super Mario World and the Gameboy Advance version of Super Mario Bros. 3, making it a must-play for many children.

●Red Rover - A game where two teams link arms and try to break through the other team's chain.

●Red Light, Green Light - A game where one person is "it" and gives commands for players to move forward ("green light") or stop ("red light").

●Beyblades: These spinning tops with customizable parts were all the rage in the early 2000s.

●Duck, Duck, Goose: A game where players sit in a circle and one player goes around tapping each player's head, saying "duck" each time. When they say "goose" instead of "duck", the tapped player gets up and chases the other player around the circle. If they catch them before they sit in the empty spot, they switch places.

●Four Square: A game played with a ball and a square divided into four smaller squares. Players hit the ball into each other's squares, trying to get the other players out.

●Capture the Flag: Two teams have a flag at their base. The objective is to capture the other team's flag and bring it back to their own base without getting tagged.

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