TIME Person of the Year: Volodymyr Zelensky

The TIME magazine has named  Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky along with the"spirit of Ukraine'' as its person of the year for 2022. The award is usually for the person or event that influenced the world for the past 12 months the most.

TIME person of the year, Volodymyr Zelensky

The Ukrainian president had been in the spotlight since the Russian invasion last February. Zelensky gained huge international attention due to his inspirational acts during the war.Zelensky persuaded many powerful nations including America to raise their hand for Ukraine during the invasion.The American magazine selected Zelensky for this feat considering his acts of bravery during the war which had gained much international attention. The TIME  magazine chief editor Edward Felsenthal wrote that 'The spirit of Ukraine ' , referred to countless Ukranians  both inside and outside the country who have fought bravely during their toughest times. He also included people who fought behind the scenes , the doctors , the nurses , relief workers and all those who stayed true to themselves and gave their everything to the purest causes. The magazine wrote that Zelensky had inspired many people in and out of Ukraine during the invasion period.He had stayed in the country itself and never left his people. He stayed true to his people. 

Zelensky getting ready for war along with his country people

 Russia's Ukraine invasion started  on 24th of February this year and many people belonging to both countries suffered huge losses. The invasion led to heavy damage on many of Ukraine's densely populated cities like Kiev and Kharkiv. Many people were displaced from their own homes and all the non residents including students were sent to their own countries. Volodymyr Zelensky , the Ukraine president, managed to coordinate the rescue missions as well as the military movements effectively. Ukraine managed to prevent Russian dominance to this day of war due to their will power and coordinated moves . Many analysts are of the opinion that Russia is losing the war. The political relations between the two countries have been getting worse for the past few years. Zelensky had managed to instill a sense of patriotism to his people by becoming an example of it himself. He refused to leave the country despite the risk of losing his life and stayed in the country itself. He released several video messages which took over the internet .

Volodymyr Zelensky

Zelensky also managed to convince the world and successfully gained support from the west. Ukraine which was not even a member nation of NATO has successfully managed to tie bonds with many of the member nations like Britain. America and many European nations are currently supporting Ukraine . Zelensky had shown the world his capability and strength which make him the  perfect choice for decorating the title.Last year TIME had named founder of SpaceX and Tesla,Elon Musk as its person of the year. TIME has announced  Iranian women as the RIME heroes of the year for their fight for justice and protest against the custodial death of 22 year old Iranian woman Mahsa Amini. Mahsa Amini was arrested by the Iranian moral police for not wearing hijab and died in custody. South Korean pop band Blackpink was selected as theTIME entertainer of the year . 

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