This winter sees the release of the Victor Mukherjee-produced action film, written by Alok Sharma, Lakadbaggha, starring actors Ridhi Dogra and Anshuman Jha. The first poster for the movie, portraying an everyday youngster who embarks on a remarkable journey to combat the illegal animal trade, was presented by the film's creators on Monday, 17th October.
A sympathetic vigilante Arjun Bakshi discovers that an underground, illegal animal trading group operates from Kolkata port while attempting to safeguard his adopted Indian stray pups. He discovers a rare species of Indian Striped Hyena (Lakadbaggha) during his investigation that has been taken from Corbett National Park and is being sold on the black market. Anshuman, the movie's protagonist has spent more than six months learning the Israeli martial art of Krav Maga. He later traveled to New York to study with Tsahi Shemesh (Trainer of the Avengers team Falcon and The Winter Soldier).
The actor in an interview said, "The movie "Lakadbaggha" combines two of my passions: I love animals and I've always enjoyed action movies. I'm ecstatic to be taking part in my first straight-up action movie. The plot tackles a critical problem that exists in our culture. I have put the other projects on wait since I will only do this once and I want to give it everything I have. I'm looking forward to the action choreography and I hope the audience will like the balls-to-the-wall kind of action."
This movie is a classic "Good vs. Evil" tale with an original modern touch of the illegal animal trade sector acting as a narrative undertone - perhaps the first-ever animal vigilante movie. Golden Ratio Films and First Ray Films are the houses behind the production of "Lakadbaggha."
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