The Consultant: A Show That Confused Everyone

The consultant starring Christoph Waltz is categorized as a dark comedy, but viewers might disagree.

The 8 series show is based on the book The Consultant by Bentley Little, and like any adaption of a book this show also has its very own ‘changes’. 

The show's premise revolves around a gaming company. After the Ceo of said company is shot dead at the start of a film, by a student on a school trip…. Yes, on a school trip, The consultant, Regus Patoff (Christoph Waltz) enters with the goal of steering the ship.   

But the character of Regus Patoff is hiding more than he is letting on. Drawing the entirety of the shop he creates chaos, is creepy, and is preparing for a hostile takeover. 

In the midst of all this, they show also follow the lives of the employees now under Regus Patoff’s management. Which is absolutely horrible.

Many viewers thought that though the premise of the book is intriguing and loved the whole wall-street meets horror concept, the show disappointed them. The entire show seems more pointless the more you reach the end. Although we won't spoil the ending for you let's just say that it leaves viewers with lots of unanswered questions and incomplete storylines.

The Consultant

Maybe the makers hoped that this would be the intriguing and alluring charm of the show but alas, it didn't come across that way.
Apart from the obvious confusion, views also thought that the dialogs were immature and cringy. A viewer also stated, “The premise of the movie is intriguing. However, the script execution feels like it was written by a high school student who has no real-world business or law..” 

For a show that was supposed to describe how employment has interrupted and disturbed a person's personal life, not being accurate isn't the way to go. 

Another common answer after watching the show seems to be that it is too creepy and uneven. But hey! If you are someone who enjoys watching creepy thrillers you should definitely give it a go.

The Consultant

The only saving grace of the movie was Christoph Waltz's amazing performance. He played the part of a deceiving, creepy, and strategic Consultant perfectly. 

The show is also not a bad watch for a boring day, especially since this is season one, and who knows the second season may be better and give you the answers you want. 


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