Shah Rukh Khan, Bollywood's superstar, is getting ready for Pathaan, which will be his first lead role in almost five years. However, his superstar status has not been diminished by his lengthy absence. It has only grown significantly over time.
According to the most recent reports, the actor is now the only Indian to be on the list of the wealthiest actors in the world, surpassing Hollywood star Tom Cruise. The actor has an estimated net worth of $770 million. i.e. Rs. 6258.79 crores.
Dwayne Johnson, Tyler Perry, and Jerry Seinfeld came in ahead of him on the list, while SRK came in as the fourth richest actor. Tom Cruise, the star of Top Gun, came in fifth place on the list with 620 million dollars. With a 520 million dollar net worth, Jackie Chan is the only non-American on the list, along with Shah Rukh Khan.
Here is the whole list of the Richest actors in the world:
🇺🇸 Jerry Seinfeld: $1 Billion
🇺🇸 Tyler Perry: $1 Billion
🇺🇸 Dwayne Johnson: $800 million
🇮🇳 Shah Rukh Khan: $770 million
🇺🇸 Tom Cruise: $620 million
ðŸ‡ðŸ‡° Jackie Chan: $520 million
🇺🇸 George Clooney: $500 million
🇺🇸 Robert De Niro: $500 million
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