The short film Anuja, based in New Delhi, received a nomination for Best Live Action Short at the 97th Academy Awards on Thursday. Directed by Adam J Graves and Suchitra Mattai, Anuja will go up against A Lien, I’m Not a Robot, The Last Ranger, and The Man Who Could Not Remain Silent at this esteemed event. This is a big moment for Indian short films worldwide, with Anuja shining as a light of inspiration for new filmmakers.
Tale of “Anuja”
Penned and directed by Adam J. Graves, this heart-stirring tale follows the journey of 9-year-old Anuja as she stands at a crossroads that could redefine her life. Anuja works with her sister Palak, in a garment factory in Delhi, India. Alongside her sister, Palak, she faces a transformative decision at an early age. Life leads the duo through a maze of emotions, familial bonds, and self-discovery, as stated by Netflix India.
The narrative resonates deeply, shedding light on the universal challenges young girls face. Flashing raw and real emotions, the film weaves themes of gender, resilience, and the unyielding strength of family into a poignant and unforgettable story.
Collaboration of Oscars Lady, Guneet Monga and Global Icon, Priyanka Chopra
The magic of Anuja's success lies in the synergy of three formidable forces behind the scenes: Guneet Monga, the visionary producer celebrated for her Oscar-winning work on Period: End of Sentence; Priyanka Chopra, the global icon whose footprint spans film, television, and humanitarian efforts; and Mindy Kaling, an acclaimed storyteller and producer in her own right.
United by their passion for championing diverse and impactful narratives, these trailblazing women have breathed life into Anuja. The short film is earning widespread praise for its collective commitment to meaningful storytelling.
Cast of Anuja
The film features Sajda Pathan as Anuja, Ananya Shanbhag as Palak, and Nagesh Bhonsle. Each cast delivers gripping performances that breathe life into this poignant tale.
Pathan shines as Anuja, bringing remarkable depth and vulnerability to the role, embodying the turmoil of a young girl wrestling with an impossible decision.
Shanbhag’s portrayal of Palak is equally compelling. It offers a perfect counterbalance to Anuja’s struggles. Together, their dynamic as sisters weaves a heartfelt bond that adds rich emotional texture to the story.
Where Can You See It?
Oscars-nominated New Delhi-based short film Anuja is now available for viewers to binge on Netflix.
What sets Anuja, a short film about two ordinary girls working in a garment factory, apart? It’s the film’s universal appeal that has propelled it to shine brightly among the Oscars nominations. While the narrative is deeply rooted in Indian cultural backdrops, it strikes a chord far beyond its origins. It tries to reflect the struggles and dreams of audiences from all walks of life. The challenges Anuja faces may not mirror everyone’s story, but her journey evokes a shared sense of resilience, making each viewer see a piece of their struggles woven into her tale.
In one scene, as Palak reads a marriage advertisement stating that the prospective bride must not have ambitions, she asks, “Who else, if not girls, should have ambitions?” This simple question highlights the realities of Indian culture, where, even today, many expect girls to prioritize others over themselves and sacrifice their dreams, believing their primary role is to care for the families they marry into. Palak’s question powerfully challenges these stereotypes that still exist in the so-called “modern generation.”
With inputs from agencies
Image Source: Multiple agencies
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Ayushi is passionate about creating content that not only interests the reader but actually helps them add to their knowledge. Holding a degree in science, Ayushi is exploring her creative writing as she transforms ideas into compelling narratives that resonate with readers.