Kolkata Maestros to grace Diwali celebrations at Pauline Chapel, Italy

The highly esteemed Hindustani classical Vocalist Supriyo Dutta, Sarod virtuoso Partho Sarothy, and Tabla maestro Sanju Sahai, all from Kolkata, have been graciously invited to demonstrate their exceptional musical talents at the Pauline Chapel in Quirinale Palace, Italy, on the auspicious occasion of Diwali morning.

This historic venue, located in Rome, is recognized as one of the official residences of the president of the Italian Republic. It shares this distinction with Villa Rosebery in Naples and the Tenuta di Castelporziano. The Pauline Chapel, which was commissioned by Pope Paul V in 1615, is a remarkable counterpart to the magnificent Sistine Chapel, providing a notable addition to the Quirinale Palace. Since 1823, the chapel has been the setting for four consecutive conclaves, with Pope Leo XII as the initial elected pope and Pius IX as the final one.

Pauline Chapel, Italy

The chapel graciously hosts a weekly public concert every Sunday when the Quirinale Palace opens its doors, which is also broadcast live on radio. The forthcoming event, as described on the Quirinale Palace website, offers a delightful musical meditation by three highly acclaimed Indian artists, in honour of Diwali, a momentous Hindu calendar celebration comparable to the Western New Year.

 Hindustani classical vocalist Supriyo Dutta

Supriyo Dutta, who is currently on a tour in the US and Europe, gratefully expressed his pleasure in receiving the exceptional invitation from the Hindu Union of Italy, Alain Danielou Foundation, and Kama Production. This concert, a joint effort by Radio3, Rai-Quirinale, and the Presidency of the Republic, is a significant milestone as it marks the first time an Indian artist has been given the opportunity to perform at such a renowned international venue.

sarod virtuoso Partho Sarothy

In the spirit of Diwali, Dutta intends to present a ‘bandish’ that gracefully incorporates references to Goddess Jagadambika in the lyrics. This performance showcases the harmonious blend of Indian classical traditions and international acclaim, as it will be broadcast live on a radio channel, giving a chance for a global audience to join in this cherished cultural celebration.

 tabla maestro Sanju Sahai of the Benares Gharana

This remarkable event signifies a significant milestone for Indian classical music as it captivates the international audience. 

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