Kill: The Suitcase of Blood-Spattered Ballet

If John Wick took a holiday at a Bollywood action film and found things were even more fun than they were supposed to be, that, gentlemen, is "Kill" at its core. So bear with me on this blood trip where nothing is left to the imagination, but if you are the sort of person who enjoys an extreme rollercoaster ride, this is a straight party trick.

Main Character? It Feels Rather Like a Tornado in a Human Disguise:

Amrit, the main character, is anything but the usual tough guy protagonist. He has the dark moodiness part covered for sure, but his emotional depth is as finely built as a brick wall. Yes, Amrit is a special ops member with one purpose: eliminating the bad guys in the most theatrical and sometimes funny ways possible. Imagine Jason Statham with the scent of Bollywood in his style.

photo: Dharma Productions and Sikhya Entertainment join hands for #KILL.

The Story? More of a "Let's Get Rowdy" intro:

A wedding is organised on the train, a few dealings take their course, and soon after this, all hell breaks loose on the train. That's all. Thank you. It's not so much the complexities of the plot that "Kill" stands on a cracked wall of the world, but the brimming fearfulness of the action that should amaze us.
The fight scenes include flying fists; some laws of gravity even had to be broken; and enough blood was spilled to fill an Olympic-size pool (metaphorically speaking, of course; let's hope so). It's a showdown paradise for martial arts moviemakers, who tip the hat to ploughmen at the same time.
photo:Dharma Productions and Sikhya Entertainment join hands for #KILL.

Made for Some, Missed by Others:

Romance isn't the main aim of "Kill." It barely even tries to establish some intensive and original storytelling. However, if you desire to experience the entire two hours of a purely violent escapade with some noir comedy moments, in that case, this movie is your cup of tea. Be aware, though, that the violence can get excessive.

photo:Dharma Productions and Sikhya Entertainment join hands for #KILL.

Final Point: A Blissful Ride in the Skies with Death

"Kill" is a work of art that honours the over-the-top actions of the cinema. I love this movie as such an uproarious, messy ride that I do not know whether my breathlessness is caused by laughs or by the spins. Well then, either secure your popcorn (or better bring a barf bag, your choice) and go through the laughter and the nausea (maybe). Of course, say it in a different format.

With inputs from agencies
Image Source: Multiple sources

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