Kashmir Files : "propagandist and vulgar" says Israeli director Nadav Lupid

Kashmir Files is a tale of the heart-wrenching suffering of the Kashmiri pandits during the 1990s. The movie canvasses the life of a college student Krishna who sets out to uncover the truth behind the persecution and oppression. Krishna is torn between the two sides of the Pandit legends after being misled about the passing of his parents. In an incident, it is shown that Krishna’s father who was hiding inside a container of rice was shot and killed while his mother was forced to eat the blood-soaked rice grains. Though this scene does not have proof showing it was inspired by real events, it was taken to show the extent of torture and humiliation the Pandits faced. 

Kashmir Files Poster

The Kashmir Files were highly promoted from the time of release. This was mainly by the current ruling party members, the Bharatiya Janata Party. Members including the Prime Minister advocated vocally about the film in public places. A few states ruled by this party provided the film with tax exemptions and public holidays to watch the movie. 

The Kashmir Files entered the 53rd International Film Festival of India that happened in Goa on the 21 -24 of November 2022. The screening of the movie took place on the 22 November at 5:30 PM.  At the event, Israeli director and the head jury of the IFFI, Nadav Lapid labeled the work as "vulgar" and "propaganda," which astonished and disturbed them because they weren't expecting to see such films at the festival. This comment sparked the spite of many viewers of the movie. Many of the audience members sensed that Lapid disregarded the plight and agony endured by the Kashmiri pandits. 

Nadav Lupid - Israeli Director

During the talk, Lapid said “It seemed to us like a propagandist movie inappropriate for an artistic, competitive section of such a prestigious film festival. I feel totally comfortable to share openly these feelings here with you on stage. Since the spirit of having a festival is to accept also a critical discussion which is essential for art and for life.” However, the Israeli consul general in  India, Kobbi Shoshani, tweeted that he disagreed with the jury's decision: "I saw the Kashmir file and saw the cast. I have a different opinion than Nadav Lapid. After his speech, I told Nadav my opinion.”

Sudipto Sen, an Indian film director who was also a part of the jury shared on Twitter his disagreement with Lapid's opinion.  "Whatever has been said by IFFI 2022 Jury Chairman Mr. Nadav Lapid about the film Kashmir Files, from the stage of closing ceremony of 53rd IFFI was completely his personal opinion," shared Sen. 

Sudipto Sen contradicted his statement later after three others out of the five jury members backed Lupid's opinions. Though he added that it was wrong of Lupid to go public with his statements.

Post the controversies and flare-ups, Nadav Lapid responded to Karan Thapar in a 32 min interview saying, “I was invited, to be frank, not to speak about vanities”. He also added that it was his "duty" and "obligation " to speak out.