Joe Jonas & Sophie Turner's divorce takes a U-Turn post-successful mediation?

Joe Jonas, the American singer, and actor Sophie Turner have found a harmonious path forward in their divorce proceedings. Following four days of productive mediation, Joe Jonas decided to withdraw his divorce case, according to a report. Court records reveal that the former couple has reached temporary agreements on child custody. Their two daughters, aged one and three, will split their time between both parents. An alternating custody arrangement, ranging from one and a half to three weeks, is set until January 7.

In the coming months, Ms. Turner will have custody from October 9 to October 21, while Mr. Jonas will take over from October 21 to November 2. Thanksgiving will be spent with Mr. Jonas, and Ms. Turner will have her time with the children during Christmas and New Year's. Both parents can travel with their daughters during their designated periods within the United States or the United Kingdom. A "status report letter" must be submitted by both parents before December 23, outlining the progress of their mediation.

This agreement comes after Ms. Turner filed a lawsuit, seeking the return of their daughters to the UK, accusing Mr. Jonas of withholding their passports. She argued for their "immediate return" to their habitual residence in the UK, where they had relocated in April 2023 for the children's education.

Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner, who were married in 2019, are in the midst of a divorce after four years of marriage. Earlier this month, Joe Jonas filed for divorce, citing an "irretrievably broken" relationship.

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