SS Rajamouli has officially begun shooting for his highly anticipated project, tentatively titled SSMB29, featuring superstar Mahesh Babu. The announcement came through a playful Instagram post by Rajamouli, where he shared a video hinting at the film's progress. In the clip, he humorously referenced Mahesh Babu as a lion, showcasing the actor's passport and suggesting that he is now committed to the film's production. This playful metaphor was well-received, with Mahesh Babu responding with a famous dialogue from his blockbuster film Pokiri, indicating his excitement for the project.
The project has generated considerable buzz, especially with Priyanka Chopra's recent comments on Rajamouli's post. Although her role in the film has not been officially confirmed, her enthusiastic reaction—"Finally!"—has fueled speculation about her involvement in this Telugu film, marking a potential return to Indian cinema after her last appearance in *The Sky is Pink* (2019) and her debut in Telugu films.
SSMB29 is expected to be an action-adventure film, reminiscent of the style seen in Rajamouli's previous works like RRR and Baahubali. The film aims to be one of the most expensive Indian films ever made, with its storyline and additional cast details still under wraps. Rajamouli has previously mentioned that the script is complete and that they are currently in the pre-production phase, preparing for what promises to be another monumental cinematic experience.
As fans eagerly await more details about SSMB29, Rajamouli continues to solidify his reputation as one of India's most influential filmmakers, known for his ability to blend grand storytelling with spectacular visuals. His previous films have not only set box office records but have also garnered international acclaim, further raising expectations for this new venture.
How has the fan reaction been for SSMB29?
The fan reaction to SS Rajamouli's upcoming film SSMB29 has been overwhelmingly positive and filled with excitement. Following a cryptic Instagram post by Rajamouli, which featured a lion and hinted at the commitment of the lead actors, Mahesh Babu and Priyanka Chopra, fans took to social media to express their enthusiasm.
- Excitement Over Cast: The anticipation surrounding SSMB29 has intensified, particularly due to the collaboration between Mahesh Babu and Priyanka Chopra. Fans are thrilled about Chopra's return to Telugu cinema after two decades, and her comment on Rajamouli's post—"Finally!"—has only heightened their eagerness for the film's details.
- Mahesh Babu's Engagement: Mahesh Babu's playful response to Rajamouli's post, quoting a famous line from his film Pokiri, further fueled fan excitement. His comment, "If I commit once, I will not back off," resonated with fans, reinforcing their confidence in the project.
- Social Media Buzz: The director's post has gone viral, with fans sharing their interpretations and speculating about the film's plot, which is rumored to be an adventurous journey inspired by mythological elements. The buzz on social media platforms indicates that fans are eagerly awaiting more updates and official announcements regarding the film.
- Physical Transformation: Fans have also reacted positively to images of Mahesh Babu's rigorous physical training for the role, which is said to embody traits of Lord Hanuman. This transformation has kept fans engaged and curious about his character in the film.
Overall, the combination of star power, intriguing hints from Rajamouli, and active engagement from both Mahesh Babu and Priyanka Chopra has created a palpable excitement among fans for SSMB29.
With inputs from agencies
Image Source: Multiple agencies
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