Floating Gold' worth $4.5 Mn found in Canary Island inside dead Whale

A floating gold worth 5,00,000 euros has been found in the entrails of a dead sperm whale, in the La Palma beach of Canary Island. Antonio Rodriguez, Head of the Animal Health division, at the University of La Palma, has conducted an autopsy on a whale, which had passed away due to digestive disorders. Scientist has confirmed it is a rare metal called “ambergris” aka floating gold. 

He has mentioned that most sperm whales aren't capable of secreting the ambergris, and sometimes, it tends to outgrow and even cause the colon of the whale to burst. It is to be noticed that the ambergris is now open for sale, and the money procured from this will be donated to the victims of the La Palma Volcano eruption.

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