All set for the engagement today: Parineeti Chopra & Raghav Chadha

Bollywood talks are always in trend and so the very recent, hot topic of today Parineeti Chopra’s engagement. Bollywood’s ‘Girl Next Door’ Parineeti Chopra is about to make her relationship official in the presence of all loved and close ones. Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha, Aam Adami Party’s MP are exchanging rings together today, 13 May at 5 pm. There are a lot more talks going viral on social media for several days. Finally, today Parineeti will be giving official proof of it.

Today’s evening is going to be glamorous and exceptional. The engagement ceremony will take place with all proper Sikh rituals. There will be pure Punjabi vibes in the engagement ceremony at Kapurthala House, Connaught Place in Delhi. Invitation has been sent to around 150 guests with the special presence of the stunning lady in the bollywood and beloved cousin of Parineeti, ‘Priyanka Chopra’. Also, the Chief Minister of Delhi, ‘Arvind Kejriwal’ and Chief Minister of Punjab ‘Bhagwant Mann’ are expected to be there.

The centre of attraction of the ceremony Raghav and Parineeti will be wearing Pawan Sachdev and Manish Mlhotra’s designs respectively. Almost all cameras have their eyes on today’s special evening.

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