AI shows how GOT characters would look in an Indian makeover

AI-generated images are becoming increasingly impressive, and artists are exploring its potential to create stunning artwork. One such artist is Jyo John Mulloor, who regularly shares pictures created using AI that leave viewers in awe. His latest creations on Instagram depict Game of Thrones characters dressed in Indian-inspired costumes.Using the Midjourney application, the artist Jyo John Mulloor created these images and accompanied them with a caption that imagines how Game of Thrones characters would look if an Indian costume designer had dressed them. He wrote, "If George R. R. Martin had employed an Indian costume designer for Game of Thrones."

Game of Thrones

The images feature characters such as Tyrion Lannister and Daenerys Targaryen dressed in vibrant Indian costumes, including red and yellow and blue and yellow attires. Indian fans of the show have particularly appreciated the fusion of Western medieval and Indian cultural elements in the images. The pictures have received immense praise from Instagram users, who have expressed their desire to see more characters in Indian avatars. The backgrounds have also been commended for bringing the whole theme to life.

Game of Thrones

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