Video game Music: A underrated genre

Video game music has a rich history, with early examples dating back to the 1970s. Many classic video game soundtracks have become iconic, such as the Super Mario Bros. theme and the Legend of Zelda main theme.

Video game music has evolved over the years, with advancements in technology allowing for more sophisticated and dynamic soundtracks. Many video game composers have become renowned, such as Nobuo Uematsu (Final Fantasy) and Koji Kondo (Super Mario Bros.).

Video game music is often composed specifically for the games they appear in, taking into account the game's atmosphere, setting, and gameplay. Some video game music is designed to be adaptive, changing in real-time based on what is happening in the game. Many video game soundtracks have been re-released in various forms, including albums, symphonic concerts, and remixes.

Video game music has been cited as an influence by many musicians and composers in various genres. Some video games feature licensed music, which can add an extra layer of immersion and cultural significance to the game.

Video game music has been the subject of academic study and research, with some universities offering courses and programs in the field. Video game music has a dedicated fan base, with many people enjoying the music outside of the context of the games they appear in.

Some video game music has been performed live by orchestras, such as the Video Games Live concert series. There are numerous fan-made remixes and arrangements of video game music, some of which have gained a significant following.

Video game music is sometimes used in films and other media, adding to its exposure and recognition. Many video games feature memorable and emotional moments that are made even more impactful by the accompanying music.

Some video game music is designed to be nostalgic, evoking memories of earlier games or styles of music.

There are numerous video game music albums and compilations available, showcasing the diversity and talent of video game composers.

Video game music is often created using a mix of digital and traditional orchestration techniques, resulting in a unique and diverse sound. Some video game music has been recognized with awards, such as the BAFTA Games Awards for Music.

Despite its popularity and impact, video game music is still sometimes overlooked and underrated as an art form.


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