Deplatforming Gender Inequality is now the only way for a future-ready society, says BWB's Abel Boaz

Let's talk about this outdated script society keeps playing, and call it out like it is. Gender inequality, my friends, is like a bad Netflix rerun that affects all our lives. It's not just about shattered glass ceilings for women or men doing an awkward tango with societal expectations of masculinity. It's this grand ball where dreams and abilities are stifled by gender stereotypes, and the party guests in attendance are unfair patterns that dance through generations.

Let's take a closer look into our own homes now, gender stereotypes in India are like that clingy ex who just won't let go. Women are supposed to be the epitome of virtue, pouring chai and doling out wisdom while gracefully managing the entire household without a single complaint. Meanwhile, the men are expected to be the stoic breadwinners, navigating through life with the emotional range of a brick wall. It's like we're all stuck in a never-ending episode of watching Gopi Bahu wash the laptop! (Come on! We all have watched it at some point or the other.)

But why?? And how did we get here? Aren’t we a land of Rani Padmini and Razia Sultana who challenged traditional gender norms by assuming political authority when their constituents needed them the most? And if we are down the TV serial route, why forget Ardhanarishvara and Goddess Kali - where the entire embodiment of today’s so-called male qualities of power and unending quest for knowledge were these androgynous/strongly female deities?

How did we decide or rather when did we decide that this tradition needs to be shed and a new garb needs to be taken on? One where women have to ‘ask’ for the power from the men - when actually they are essentially born with it. Let me put it even more strongly - when actually they are born in a land whose inherent tradition is to worship the divine feminine energy during its various festivals. When did you, the woman, need validation?


And what’s worse about this stigma? IT DOESN’T GO AWAY!

Picture a world that's ready for the future – a world driven by technology and connection. I, Abel Boaz, believe that cancelling this very gender inequity is the first step towards this utopian future. It's not just a moral duty; it's a strategic move for societal growth. We're dismantling systemic gender prejudices across platforms and institutions because it's time to rewrite this script. India has traditionally been a land of heritage, culture, tradition and if we are to bring in a new world order - we don't have to innovate. We just have to go back to our tradition that believes in balanced coexistence. The whole reason why the ‘mother’ figure holds the most importance in every Indian household. She is powerful enough to hold together all the strings. Not perchance. But because her culture and her upbringing from her own mother have given her the values to do so.

And if you still choose to forget - There are festivals, languages, art forms, and customs that run throughout the year to remind you. Let not your Western counterparts fool you into believing you constantly need to ape them to become an equal society. You ARE an equal society much, much before the world woke up to it. Your ancestors wrote reams of script around it. I mean Sati was banned in the 19th century, my dear people!! The Rig Veda pretty much defines the important role of women in society as equal partners in the pursuit of knowledge and spiritual growth.

Gender discrimination, the albatross around all our necks, persists in various settings – from the workplace to the drama-filled realm of social media platforms. My remedy? “Deplatforming”, is a term that means exactly as it sounds. It's about obliterating the systems that normalize gender-based discrimination. Think of it as a digital revolution – deleting content, rules, or practices that perpetuate gender biases online. Sayonara to stereotypes!

It isn't something that you used to do- then why start now? Cultural preservation is the new term that everyone in today’s woke society has tried to align with. No harm. In fact, I would say that's good news. But shouldn't that mean us going back to our roots? The Narrative of gender empowerment becoming stronger? 

Who is asking you to fight for the rights to do things that traditionally only men have done? Or let me ask the other side? Who are we men to ‘give’ these opportunities to the women? There are certain physical and mental strengths (and weaknesses) that make us better equipped to do certain things.

Gender roles were defined for that reason. Just like job roles are defined. Someone is really good at making people come back to good health - Doctors. Someone is brilliant at bringing people up the curve on knowledge - Professor. Someone is naturally good at leading people to do their best - Leader. See?! Was that so difficult? What's the fight about?

You pick what you are best at and work at it, outsource what you are average at and delegate it - that's the gender balancing we need to bring back. That's the gender balance that always was. It is an essential pillar of society and it is our duty to empower all genders to do their best at what they do. And that’s that. I mean I would be more than happy to have a woman lead a construction site while the men pick up the heavy material back and forth to get the structure made. She is a great leader - she makes her workers do things as they are supposed to be done in order to complete the project on time and within resources. 

It's not about uplifting one gender at the expense of another but creating an environment that fosters equality and empowerment for all.

Now, let's talk about social media, the "Fight Club" of our digital age. According to me, these platforms unintentionally magnify gender stereotypes, contributing to a culture that perpetuates injustice. “Deplatforming” in this context is not a quiet protest; it's a full-blown rebellion. It's aggressively opposing and deleting the content that makes injustice seem normal. Mic drop, anyone?

But this change doesn't stop there. In the workplace, this is where the real battle begins. I'm talking about shaking up organisational procedures, addressing the gender pay gap, and fostering inclusive work cultures. It's a workplace revolution, my friends, and everyone's invited to the equality party. Break down those gender barriers, and watch society unleash the full potential of all its members. Because let's be real – talent knows no gender, and I don’t think your paycheck should be based on which toilet you use.

And let's not forget education, the backstage of societal change. I'm advocating for reforms that question established gender roles and stereotypes. Imagine a generation that considers gender equality as natural as having biryani at a marriage. Closing out discriminatory courses and promoting inclusivity is the curriculum we all need for a brighter future.

Now, for the naysayers claiming that this procedure restricts free expression, let me drop some truth bombs. It's an essential step toward creating a fair and just society. Imagine cleaning out your closet of outdated fashion trends – necessary for a wardrobe (and society) refresh. Unquestioned standards and expectations impose unfair responsibilities, and I, for one, am not here for it.

The emphasis should shift away from limiting speech and toward fostering discourse that promotes inclusivity and equality. Online and offline, we should create spaces that support disadvantaged voices and counter those discriminatory narratives. It's time to let the underdogs take the stage and kick outdated norms to the curb.

My negative stance on gender inequality isn't just forward-thinking; it's the battle cry for a society that's not just ready for the future but actively shaping it. Society, according to me, needs to tackle prejudices in digital spaces, workplaces, and educational institutions if we want to be truly future-ready. 

So, let's rewrite this script. Or maybe let's just close out these newly adapted books we have taken up and actually reopen our old scriptures because the future is forward-thinking, inclusive, and free of inequality! Just like our traditional past was. It is WE who forgot. Every ethos was right in its place. We just need to go back to it. Are you ready?

About the Author:

Abel Boaz, a visionary entrepreneur, is the driving force behind BWB Network. As the founder and director of Abellian Finman, his leadership extends beyond financial advisory into shaping a platform focused on men's empowerment. With a fervent commitment to fostering positive masculinity, Abel champions a world where men can thrive, connect, and grow. His dedication to empowering men, coupled with his innovative approach, propels BWB Network to redefine the narrative of male camaraderie and personal development.


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