Zee, Star, Sony - Go off Air for 4.5 Crore Cable Customers

Due to the implementation of the New Tariff Order 3.0 (NTO 3.0), Star, Sony, and Zee—three of India's largest media conglomerates—have gone off cable platforms. As a result of this move, the Indian media landscape has been disrupted, and many viewers now only see a black screen on their televisions instead of popular television channels.

On February 1st of this year, the NTO 3.0 went into effect, causing broadcasters to see price increases of 10 to 25 percent. However, the new pricing structure has resulted in disagreements between media companies and local cable operators, which has resulted in the removal of numerous channels from the air.

 The pricing of their channels is the main issue between Star, Sony, Zee, and cable companies. Cable operators argue that the new regulations have resulted in an increase in costs for them, and since Indian consumers are price sensitive, they are afraid to pass the cost on to them due to disconnections. On the other hand, media companies assert that the new pricing is necessary to maintain their revenue.

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