Want to Make your Startup Instagood? These 20 things are just for you

“Social media will help you build up loyalty of your current customers to the point that they will willingly, and for free, tell others about you.” – Bonnie Sainsbury (@bsainsbury)

10 Things You Need to Know Before You Buy Instagram Accounts

Instagram is a trendy platform to share your life details and connect with people. According to The Global Statistics, approximately 76% of Indians use Instagram. This makes it a must-use platform for entrepreneurs to start or grow their businesses and reach out to the masses. 

Now if you are thinking about how to popularize your brand or company online, and what your social media marketing strategy should be, here’s a list of 20 things that you need to do:

(Source: Hootsuite, Marketing on Instagram)

1. Professional yet a cool profile.

In this digital world, your profile represents you. Having a professional profile will make you seem like an expert. Simultaneously, it should be visually appealing for your audiences so that they get engaged in it.

2. Clarity about your page.

Your Instagram page should make it clear what your company is about. What products/services will be provided? What are its aims and objectives? What can the audience expect from them? 

3. Geotag.

How to Use Instagram Geotag to Engage Local Followers | Sprout Social

(Image source: sproutsocial, Geotagging to escalate visibility)

Adding location on your posts makes your post appear when someone searches that location based on top and recent posts. This can expand your visibility to the users.

4. Story of your brand through Highlights.

(Image source: Instagram, more about page through highlight)

Use the Highlights section to share more about your company. Curious about whose company is this? Add Information about the Boss and the Staff. Curious about what products you can get? Add categories available. Worried about whether the company and products are legit? Add testimonials. 

5. Making it a Business Account.

Switching to business accounts majorly benefits by creating and posting advertisements without using Facebook. Here marketing strategies should be designed, planned, and implemented brilliantly

6. Content is the key.

Not only the appearance, but the content should also be engaging and relatable so that people remember your brand. Include information, creativity, entertainment, infographics and sales in your posts. Before posting it on social media, check for plagiarism and grammatical errors, as simple mistakes can decrease your brand reputation and you can also be sued or given a severe penalty.

7. Making a difference.

(Image source: Instagram, zomato’s engagement strategy)

Creating good content is essential but people won’t remember it if the idea was used before or a similar trend has been followed. Starting a new trend or modifying the old one can work. There will be various pages for similar products, but let innovation and creativity do their job, making your page stay in their minds. 

8. Making the audience aware of your dedication.

People love watching behind-the-scenes videos and photos, this is another way of connecting with them and letting them know about your hard work. It also builds a sense of transparency and trustworthiness.

9. Reposting from the consumer’s feed about your brand. 

(Image source: hi.photoslurp, #repost)

Reposting user generated content builds a sense of two-way communication and leads to more of such publicity. Word-of-mouth marketing is believed to be much more reliable and so this can increase the brand activity and sales as well.

8 Ways Brands Are Using Instagram Highlights - Business 2 Community10. What can attract the customers better than a give-away post?

Give-away posts are where the people tag others and then through a lucky draw winners are given free products, samples, hampers etc. It is an easy marketing strategy to increase your reach and build relations from followers to customers.

11. Reels, Memes, and Hashtags.

Let your audience relate to your feed and share them. Adding a bit of your company’s touch, recreate popular trends, and start hashtags to maximize your reach and cater to a wider audience. 

12. Stay in their minds.

(Image source: Instagram, advertising new shirt)

If you are not being regular, Instagrammers will forget you. Be consistent and give them fresh content. Update them about new products and offers.

13. Influencer marketing- Influencing through Influencers.

Collaborating with influencers leads to cross-promotion. Ensure that the collaborator is appropriate for your brand image, investing a few bucks here can be rewarding. 

14. Understand the demographics.

Make sure to produce your stories and feeds according to your demographics. Keep your eye on the Instagram stats and post accordingly. A 13-year-old won’t like or comment on a post about the stock market and a 50-year-old won’t share or save a post about cartoons or daily school hacks.

15. Social cause improves brand reputation.

Promoting or working for a social cause leaves an unforgettable positive image and this makes the consumers trust them more leading to increase in sales. As Susan Cooper said, -“Engage, Enlighten, Encourage… Social media is a community effort, everyone is an asset.” (@buzzedition)

16. Clear their doubts.

Web users can hesitate when purchasing from online businesses for the first time. Post FAQs to answer their queries and also you can post testimonials from the customers to bring their faith into your company.

17. Integrating Shopify.

Shopify is an e-commerce platform used to create online stores. With its help, your product can be sold on web, mobile, in person etc. Also you can stay away from listing products and managing the sales, as Shopify does it all for you. Now you have one less topic to worry about.

18. Call To Action.

Call To Action Instagram: 13 CTAs To Test And Attract Customers

(Image source: Instagram, Telling people to tag in the comments)

Call to action (CTA) guides the audience to do what we expect them to, they contribute to digital marketing. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Pay Per Click (PPC), and Website landing pages are some types of CTA. 

19. Why should a customer purchase your product?

Providing reasons for what’s in it for people can compel them to buy. Ikea, being the most popular example, shows off how luxurious a well-furnished house can look like and how they’re the best in that field.

20. Brand Awareness. 

Pay attention to promotion and advertising as a huge amount of followers automatically speaks for your brand.

All these tips will surely make your brand from rookie to rider, riding at the fastest speed of brand growth, making your startup look Instagood.


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