India owns a whopping 11 lakh crore in assets? But what exactly are these assets?

Discover where India's wealth lies! A surprising breakdown of our nation's assets.

Asset Breakdown: Equities: Only 3.4% of India's assets are invested in stocks and shares. That's a surprisingly low number! Cash: A small portion, 4.7%, is held in cash. Retirement Funds: Provident funds and pension funds account for 5.8% of India's assets.

Insurance: Insurance funds make up 5.7% of the total assets.

Bank Deposits: A significant portion, 14%, is invested in bank deposits. Property: And the biggest chunk? A whopping 50% of India's assets is tied up in property!

It seems Indians have a strong preference for property and tangible assets. What do you think about this investment trend? Share your thoughts below!


With inputs from agencies
Image Source: Multiple agencies

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