8 Self-development activities every founder should make time for

Entrepreneurs invest a great deal of time and energy into their business. Making time for some activities can help both yourself and your business grow, so it is important to prioritize them. Here's what they recommend doing and why:

1. Physical Activity Making time for physical activity as part of your work week, as it allows to clear mind for more ideas.

2. Journaling Many entrepreneurs recommend keeping a journal to reflect on daily thoughts and focus on the "big picture."

3. Spending time with other entrepreneurs Networking with other entrepreneurs, helps to have a lot of relevant insights and great ideas.

4. Solo travel Travelling and away from distractions may clear your head for ideas to come in.

5. Pursuing outside hobbies Being a well-rounded person with interests outside of your business makes you a better entrepreneur.

6. Continual learning Make sure to stay present in the industry and aware what your competition is doing, listen to podcasts and read books.

7. Connecting with friends and family Spending time with loved ones is a great way to recharge and refocus for the upcoming workweek so you don't feel lethargic.

8. Self-care activities Practice good self-care by spending some time with your own thoughts, without any 'noise,' can spark creativity.

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